Every great tale has a beginning, a middle and an end. Every man has his own story which he has been destined to write.
If you are considering this retreat you have already embarked on your own hero’s and sovereign journey, and have begun to transition from the psychology of the Boy, to arriving on your throne as a King and Man.
This is no small feat. This is an epic story. There have been great challenges, the meeting of buried shadow, the screams of anger and tears of grief. And therefore, it would only make sense for you to ask:
“What am I doing this for?”
And an answer that seems fitting is:
“To live a life that is filled with joy”.
The gateway emotion to the energy of the King is joy, and yet somehow, this fundamental key to life can be missed, as if it is always just out of sight, unable to be truly grasped for more than a few fleeting moments. Time and money is traded, family and friends put to one side, in the hope that one day JOY may appear, as a long lost friend that will never leave. Sadly this is often not the case.
Many men (and perhaps you are one of them) are beginning to wake to this fact, that joy is often missing from their lives. So some decide to embark on a journey of self-discovery. They meet with their darkness, limitations and conditioning, and they do the work and slay their demons... But somehow, in all of the healing, the joy can still remain hidden.
‘A man can become so consumed with battling his inner demons that he misses the precious moments and joy shared with the people he loves'
Alexander Cottle

The Unmasked Man believes that there is an epidemic of men swimming in a sea of pressure, responsibility and repressed emotion, that have forgotten the art of joyful, playful, spontaneous living. Imagine in Lord of the Rings after Frodo’s quest, he never returned to the shire, and instead stayed in the land of Mordor. One may question why he embarked on such a journey in the first place.
So we offer the same question to you: Do you deserve to celebrate your life and live joyfully each day?. We hope your heart would say yes! Because we believe you have had enough pain and suffering, and it's time to create the life you deserve.
So this Level 3 retreat has been created to reawaken the joy that lives inside each of us, and support the re-membering of what it is like to play, connect and be truly happy. There is an opportunity to deepen friendships that may last for life, and to start putting joy higher up on your list of importance.
Joy, once activated, is a tidal wave that can wash through your life and every area will be nourished. To have a brotherhood that is built on a foundation of depth, as you have metaphorically ´gone to war together´, (just remember your brothers in the gauntlet) but also is incredibly playful, akin to boyhood days exploring in the forest with your mates, then you have a key to a joyous life.
Celebration and Play
There is good reason to celebrate! We have been through so much together! So let's make music with instruments around the fire and share poems and song. There will be ecstatic dance workshops, and the opportunity to move your body to great music in an open and supportive environment.
Healthy competition will be introduced, where we lift each other up with encouragement, and work in teams. The indoor pool, forest and outdoor areas will be made full use of.
Ritual, Ceremony and Creativity
There will be ceremonial spaces created, where we can drop deep into the joy of connecting with the more spiritual aspect of life. Cacao will be used ceremonially to open up our hearts and allow us to feel a sense of euphoria, love and a myriad of emotions that may arise.
Manifestation and Abundance
One of the keys to successful manifestation is to match your vibration with that wish you to attract. So if you want more joy in your life, it's about teaching your body to feel joy in the now, as if it's already happened. When we raise our energy and combine this heightened state of arousal with a strong intention and visualisation we are capable of creating magic in our lives.
“Meditation takes us from survival to creation; from separation to connection; from imbalance to balance; from emergency mode to growth-and-repair mode; and from the limiting emotions of fear, anger, and sadness to the expansive emotions of joy, freedom, and love.” Dr Joe Dispenza.
There are many programmes running in society that give the impression that men must live in scarcity and in competition. A large percentage of men are becoming increasingly isolated in the Western world, and don't have an abundance of friendship, money, adventure, opportunity, material possessions and free time. The Unmasked Man believes in shifting this paradigm and creating opportunities for men to live their lives to the fullest. There is an opportunity on this retreat to collectively manifest and support each other in bringing our dreams to life.
Expression and Authenticity
Have you been encouraged to express yourself in the way that you would have liked during your life? Did teachers or parents seek to support your individuality? For many men the answer is sadly no. To express yourself openly and authentically are qualities of the King archetype, and necessary if a man wishes to live a life of liberation.
At this retreat self-expression will be praised and applauded. It is incredibly healing to be vulnerable to other men, and show parts of yourself you may not normally in everyday life, and be received with love and acceptance.
There will be a cabaret where men are invited to create a performance piece by themselves or with other men, share poetry and/or music or anything they wish to bring.
This is about leaning into your edge, feeling any fear, and taking courageous steps into your power.

Men who wish to live a more joyful life
Men who wish to feel more confident in self expression
Men who feel that they deserve to be happy after many years of trial and pain
Men who want to deepen their connection and friendship with fellow brothers
Men who understand that the gateway emotion to the energy of the King is joy, and therefore seek to have joy flow through their lives
Men that have forgotten how to have fun and play
Men that want to manifest an abundance of friendship, money, love and health in their life

Our weekends have been likened to a decade of therapy. This isn't just a retreat to go through the motions; it's an opportunity for profound, life changing growth.
A guided journey into embodying the masculine archetypes
Life changing Transformational Workshops
Somatic shadow work & inner child healing
Tools to harness and embody your archetypes when you leave
Meditation, breath-work & movement
Cold water therapy immersion
We will be leaving our watches behind and diving into our hearts
4 Days, 3 nights accommodation (3pm Opening Thursday afternoon. 4pm closing Sunday afternoon)
Delicious meals each day
Shared accommodation
A follow up group integration call
Extras - Wood Fired Sauna, Hot tub, indoor swimming pool
*Please note this is a drug and alcohol free space.



Alexander Cottle is the founder of The Unmasked Man and an experienced, embodied facilitator and coach dedicated to transformative men's work. With a rich background in Eastern philosophy, counselling, yoga, and meditation, Alexander brings a unique and holistic approach to his practice. He is deeply passionate about teaching the embodied side of somatic shadow work, guiding men to explore and integrate their hidden aspects with compassion and courage.
Through his heartfelt and insightful methods, Alexander has helped hundreds of men release shame, embrace their true selves, and cultivate a profound sense of inner peace. His commitment to creating a supportive and empowering environment allows men to embark on a journey of self-discovery and deep healing. Alexander's work stands out for its depth, authenticity, and lasting impact on the lives of those he guides.
The Sovereign Returns Home
4 - 7 DEC 2025
*Early Bird Pricing until 1st Oct 2025.
Usual Price £2,000
4 Days, 3 nights
*Limited to 12 Men